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I began with the map, we needed to clearly display the relationship between the pumps and the cholera I worked on displaying the streets first which was a tad challenging.

I then moved to displaying the locations of the pumps on the maps. Blue was chosen as a good color to differentiate the pumps from any other points we might put on the map. I then mapped the locations of deaths by cholera on the map with smaller points in black to have contrast with the blue chosen for the pumps.

Next was the relationship between days and deaths. I began with a Gantt chart but the data did not overlap hence it was a bad representation of the data. Since it was a tally a bar graph started to look like a better option. For the bars I continued with blue to keep with the theme of the page.

The map was placed first since it was the most important part of the data that brought all the disparate points together to form a story. Next was the barchart showing the relationship between days of the outbreak and the number of deaths per day.

I added tooltips that activate on hoverto the points of death on the map to show both the age of the victim as well as the gender. tooltips we also added to the bar chart to give a more precise figure

Most of the deaths happened during the midpoint of the pandemic as I discovered after looking at the bar chart showing distribution. The map also singled out one problem pump located in approximately the middle of the map that led to the most deaths